A to Z Challenge,  Facebook,  Instagram,  LinkedIn,  Social Media,  Twitter

Q is for… Questions

NTFB Blog Posts - A to Z of Social Media or Networking

Q is for… Questions

Ask questions.

Asking questions (and answering other people’s questions) is a great way to network and engage on social media.

Asking questions is an easy and effective way to spark a conversation, create a sense of community and increase social media engagement. People naturally want to engage and answer.

Here are somethings you can do:

  • do your research so that you ask the right question – what is relevant to your audience/industry
  • ask and answer questions based on comments on your own website.
  • find inspriration from your own feed.
  • run a poll or muliple choice question.


Thank you for stopping by during the A to Z Challenge.

A lot of people are asking questions as part of the challenge, but do you usually ask questions?

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