A to Z Challenge,  Facebook,  Instagram,  LinkedIn,  Social Media,  Twitter

P is for… Pictures

NTFB Blog Posts - A to Z of Social Media or Networking

P is for… Pictures

Where you can you want to be thinking about using pictures and other visual content in your social media (particularly if you are networking on Instagram or Pinterest which are picture-heavy). If you are using LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook the use of pictures and other visual content can boost engagement and open up conversations.

Pictures and photographs can also be a great way to boost your local networking activities.

As well as using more pictures you will also want to ensure that you have a consistent visual identity (with personality).

Make specific content for your digital platforms. Don’t just repurpose content. Include your pictures and visual identity in your networking strategy.

Thank you for stopping by during the A to Z Challenge.

Are your boosting your engagement with pictures?

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