A to Z Challenge,  Social Media

Y is for… You

NTFB Blog Posts - A to Z of Social Media or Networking

Y is for You

Your social media presence is about boosting your personal profile. However when networking on social media the same rules apply and it should not be all about you.

You should be focussing on building and strengthening your relationships. You should be thinking about how you can add value and how you can connect with your online network. You should be thinking about how you can help others.

Here are just some suggestions of what you can do to make sure it is not all about you…

  1. Ease into conversations and make small talk. Engage in conversations focussing on what is important to them (not your sales pitch).
  2. Share and celebrate the success of others (your colleagues, contacts, clients and customers etc)
  3. Offer valuable insights and your own opinion on your area of expertise – for free!
  4. Be helpful by responding to requests for information and tagging relevant contacts.
  5. Ask more questions to increase engagement and conversation and mix up the types of questions you ask.
  6. Share Happiness and Positivity and Fun.

Be authentic fun and engaging, most importantly, make it a pleasant experience for others.

Thank you for stopping by during the A to Z Challenge.

What do you talk about on social media? Share in the comments.


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