A to Z Challenge,  Networking,  Skills Development

N is for… Networking Skills

What is Networking?

Basically, networking is meeting new people and building relationships.

Networking is the interaction with others for the purpose of exchanging information and developing professional or social contacts.

Nothing so scary about that! If you are reading this blog you are probably wanting to actively work on your networking skills anyway.

Why is Networking important?

Most professionals will be required to do some business development and attract and retain clients or customers. Networking is one of the ways that this can be done.

Attending (and excelling at) networking events can be a great way to meet people and connect. However, you also need to be someone that follows through on the connections made and meets the right people with whom you will have a beneficial relationship – for example: who will give work or make referrals. This ability to do this is the skill. The other skills that we are talking about during this challenge will also help you develop your networking skills.

How can you excel at making connections by networking?

Some people just have that natural personality that means they are like a fish to water at networking events – they are fun and likeable so people naturally follow-up with them because they enjoyed their company and want to get to know them better.

However, for the rest of us who don’t naturally have that flow (myself included), we should not despair – there are plenty of opportunities for us to be helpful, likeable and master the skill of networking.

We must start by scrapping the old-school mentality of networking, sales pitches and business cards. More and more networking events are embracing technology and promoting a ‘generosity’  approach.

Excelling at networking in part comes down to the preparation such as knowing who is attending the event and understanding what you can give or offer them, how to can provide value and how you can make a genuine connection. Some of it is practice and perseverance.

Skill Development Plan: Networking

Your Skill Development Plan should be simple – prepare well and practice and network with intent.

Action Point: Get your networking diary up to date and start using your Networking Planner (if you haven’t already got one) to plan, prepare and follow up.

WFH Action Point: Why not try some WFH networking options if you haven’t tried it before – try some virtual networking events, webinars, virtual coffees or networking using social media.

Further Reading:

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