A to Z Challenge,  Skills Development

I is for… Interpersonal Skills

What are interpersonal skills?

We have all heard the term – but what exactly are interpersonal skills? Interpersonal skills are essentially good social skills, the phase interpersonal skills incorporates those skills that we need to get on well with others and are predominately, but not limited to, Communication Skills. Therefore these are the skills that are important for excelling at networking.

Interpersonal Skills include:

Some of which have already been dealt with separately during the A to Z Challenge.

How can you demonstrate and develop this skill?

For networking being a good communicator (and having good interpersonal skills) is vital. Your ability to communicate with your peers, your boss, your clients and/or customers gets your job done. You are also a face of the Company. Bad Communication Skills reflect badly on your Employer.

Quite often we take interpersonal skills for granted but they do need to be practiced and developed in the same way as any other skills. Don’t forget, nerves can often get the better of you so it also important to make sure that you practice networkings skills/pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone to help you overcome any nerves.

Skill Development Plan: Interpersonal Skills

In order to develop the skill, you need to first assess the current status of your interpersonal skills and identify what can be improved.

1. be more aware of how you interact with others to help you identify areas that you might need to develop. For Example: do you need to learn to listen more? or do you need to work on your clarity in verbal communication?

2. Once your weaknesses have been identified you should observe others and find a style you want to take on. For example, if you get tongue-tied explaining a particular process to a client, observe your colleagues or boss, note down the good points or ask them for tips.

3. Once you have established your weaknesses and how you might improve them all you can do is practice.

WFH Action Plan: WFH is making us all communicate in a different way. Focus on your remote communication and inter-personal skills in the same way and identify what skills you need to practice.

Further Reading:

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