A to Z Challenge

A to Z Challenge: H is for… Handwritten

The Visibility Planner is all about raising your profile and visibility through the things you do focusing on 4 main areas: PR and Marketing (inc Social Media), Networking, Presenting and Writing. For the 2020 A to Z Challenge we decided to focus on one of these aspects – writing! As the world continues to go into lock-down due to Covid-19, it is the perfect time to work on raising your visibility through your writing as you can do it from the comfort of your home.

H is for… Handwritten

To increase your visibility and stand out from the crowd, consider going analogue. Sending hand-written thank you notes and messages or cards can be an easy way to network and use your writing skills to stand out from the crowd.

Another way to stand out is to use your own handwriting to create a font that you can then use on your website. Alternatively, use your hand-writing and drawings to create a fun or visual impact on social media.

Further Reading:

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