A to Z Challenge,  Build Relationships,  Skills Development

H is for… Humour

What is Humour?

The ability to use humour is a skill. Individuals are often put off using humour and reserve it for more relaxed circumstances with family and friends. However, it can be used when networking (both in-person and on social media). Humour can also be a great way to build relationships.

“A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Used properly there are plenty of applications for humour:

  • building rapport and relationships with others
  • conflict resolution or negotiation strategy
  • putting people at ease
  • harnessing the power of persuasion
  • stress management / stress relief
  • boosting public speaking and/or presentations
  • boosting sales
  • networking
  • helping with team building
  • creating a positive atmosphere

How can you demonstrate and develop this skill?

Remember, humour doesn’t have to mean that you are cracking jokes continuously. Having a sense of humour and engaging in some mild and appropriate banter/conversations can help build and cement relationships. Everyone is human and allowing your personality to show through can remind others of this.

Action Point: Use your sense of humour and laugh relax and enjoy other people’s jokes. You can also tell your own (bearing in mind context, timing, place and audience).

Skill Development Plan: Humour

It is hard to come up with a specific plan for this skill as it requires you to a) relax and b) understand humour (and the sense of humour of those around you). Learn by observing others and practising. Try to achieve natural humour. Try and take the time to get to know people better first so it is not forced and you can tailor your humour more effectively.

WFH Action Plan: With people being bored while WFH and being stuck in lockdown or isolation, it is the perfect time to share some humour with your friends, colleagues and contacts. This might be written or visual humour, it doesn’t matter. The important part is to have a laugh together.

Further Reading:

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