A to Z Challenge,  Strategy: Writing,  Tools & Resources

A to Z Challenge: G is for… Grammarly

The Visibility Planner is all about raising your profile and visibility through the things you do focusing on 4 main areas: PR and Marketing (inc Social Media), Networking, Presenting and Writing. For the 2020 A to Z Challenge we decided to focus on one of these aspects – writing! As the world continues to go into lock-down due to Covid-19, it is the perfect time to work on raising your visibility through your writing as you can do it from the comfort of your home.

G is for… Grammarly

If writing doesn’t come to you naturally, but you need to write content as part of your visibility strategy, then it is important to have tools that you can call upon to make the job easier. One of these is Grammarly.

Grammarly automatically detects potential grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes in writing, following common linguistic prescription. Algorithms flag potential issues in the text and suggest context-specific corrections for grammar, spelling, wordiness, style, punctuation, and plagiarism. It is available as a web or desktop editor, as a browser extension and as an app.

What tools and resources do you use to help with your writing? Share in the comments.

Further Reading:

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