Content and Storytelling,  Marketing Toolkit,  Strategy: Marketing, PR and Expertise

Have a Content Marketing Strategy

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Content Marketing is a strategy that can be used to boost your visibility. You should create and distribute (via social media and otherwise) your content which should be designed to attract your customers and be:

  • valuable.
  • relevant.
  • consistent.

Your content marketing strategy should include everything from your blog/website to your books/videos and podcasts. It should include any tangible media that you create and own: including written, visual, and downloadable content. This content is an important part of your Marketing.

Your strategy should set out your content, as well as your plan to distribute and share your content. Social Media is a useful platform or channel that you can use to distribute and share your content.

How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy:

  1. Set Goals – As with everything else start by setting out your goals – what is your aim?
  2. Define your target audience (and who you are creating content for). If you haven’t already – write your customer persona.
  3. Do a Content Audit – know what you have already and what you can use and repurpose and expand on etc.
  4. Have a clear home for your content – for most people, this will be their website or blog.
  5. Keep a resource/list of content ideas. As part of your strategy keep a list of ideas and resources of ideas.
  6. Identify the types of content you want to create. Be clear in your strategy about the types of content you will be creating. E.g. blog posts, video content etc.
  7. Publish your Content – usually, you will publish your content through your blog but part of your strategy should include an editorial calendar/plan. You will want to ensure that you are being consistent.
  8. Market your Content – As well as publishing your content. You will also want to share and market your content through such as your mailing list and social media.

Further Reading:

Need help planning your social media content and strategy? Why not grab a copy of our Social Media Planner.

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