A to Z Challenge,  Instagram,  Social Media

W is for… When

NTFB Blog Posts - a to z - instagram

Look at your Instagram Insights to see when your audience is online and when you get high engagement. You can use these insights to work out via trial and error when the best time to post is. Additionally, many scheduling applications will work out the best time for you which you might find helpful.

As you will also want to be engaging with your content to boost your engagement. Therefore, should also be picking a time that generally works well for you as part of your own schedule. This is so you have time to dedicate to engaging with your posts/the feed.

Research has shown that 8 am and 5 pm are the best 2 UK timeslots for posting. If you have a global audience 8-9pm is when Instagram is at its peak worldwide.

However, it doesn’t really matter what time you choose provided that it works for you and your audience and you post at consistent times (so that the algorithm picks up on it). After all, consistency is key to getting your content seen.

Don’t Forget: Try not to post multiple times in a day (use carousel posts if you have more than one image that you want to post).

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