Personal Marketing Toolkit,  Strategy: Presenting

Your 60 Second Pitch

Your 60 Second Pitch

An important part of your personal marketing toolkit is your elevator speech or pitch. Having a 60 second pitch in your back pocket (and practising it) means that you can talk about yourself and your business in a targeted way – wherever you are and whenever you need to.

Your 60 Second Pitch can help you sell by helping others understand you.

Remember: Sell through the room. Not to the room.


The most important thing with your 60 second pitch is that you need to keep it simple – you want people to understand what you are talking about and what you want from them.

When you write your Pitch consider: Does it pass the granny test?

If it doesn’t – break it down or think outside the box to keep it simple. After all you want people to understand what you are telling them!

Once you have worked out what you want to say – you will then need to structure it to get attention.

The Structure of your Pitch

Your pitch should follow the same basic structure regardless of who you are pitching to:

  1. Hook
  2. Problem / Pain Point
  3. Solution
  4. Market Size / Opportunity
  5. Traction
  6. Ask


The hook is your opening statement that needs to grab attention. You might want to shock your audience, you might want to give them an interesting stat, you might want to ask them a question to get their attention.


Next define the problem/pain point. This can be done by describing the situation – who has the pain? Paint the picture for the audience.


Once you have briefly outlined the problem – you them have to tell your audience your solution. Do this by making clear what is different about you and what your USP is, or where the innovation is – why should someone choose you?

Market Size

Quote some numbers / stats in your pitch to help create credibility.  Do your research for this part and demonstrate your knowlege and boost your credibility with some facts and figures.


This might be about you or your product? E.g. What you have done up to now – talk about sales so far / awards etc. Boost your own credibility


Finish up with a really strong ask. It needs to be a clear and solid ask (otherwise there is no point). Leave your audience with a clear call to action.

Download your PDF of the Your 60 Second Pitch Worksheets direct from the Visibility Planner Printables Collection. Follow the link to log into your account or purchase your own collection of visibility planners if you haven’t already done so.

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