Personal Marketing Toolkit,  Printables Collection,  Speaking Engagement Planner

NEW PRINTABLE: Write your Speaker Bio

printable - visibility tips from printed portal

Your professional speaker biography is to help tell the audience your story.

What should your professional speaker biography include?

It should include:

  • your background;
  • your experience and credentials;
  • where they can find you and find out more; and
  • topics you speak on.

How to use the professional speaker biography printables…

How to use the professional speaker biography printables that have been added to the visibility planner printables collection.

  1. Start by pulling out your existing resources, this might be your elevator pitch or about me page on your blog or website. It might be testimonials and recommendations that you have collected.
  2. Do your research. I recommend researching other speaker profiles and bios. Check out last year’s programme if you are speaking at a particular event (or series of events). It also doesn’t hurt to look at speakers outside your industry or that you admire and highlight bits that you like or that stand out to you.
  3. Pull the two things together and draft both a long and a short bio to use at events. You should craft a new bio for each event. Once written your bio should form part of your personal marketing toolkit and your speaking engagements toolkit.

Other variations of this bio that you could use these printables for might be a Pitch Bio, Press Release Bio or Guest Post Bio.

What is included in the professional speaker biography printable?

Worksheets include:

  • My Information Notes
  • Research Page
  • Draft Pages

Download your PDF of the Speaker Bio Worksheets direct from theĀ Visibility Planner Printables Collection. Follow the link to log into your account or purchase your own collection of visibility planners if you haven’t already done so.

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