A to Z Challenge,  Facebook,  Instagram,  LinkedIn,  Social Media,  Twitter

U is for… URLs

NTFB Blog Posts - A to Z of Social Media or Networking

U is for URLs – Personalised URLs and Trackable URLs

Make your URLs personal

For those of you who are just getting started with using social media for networking – it is important to make sure that your URLs are personal. You should have already optimised your profile. Part of this process is creating a personal/ unique URL for your social media accounts and ideally making them consistent.  If you haven’t already done this – do it now.

For twitter and instagram your URL will be the same as your username (so if you want to change your URL you need to change your username).

Make your URLs (links) Trackable

For those of you who are further along with their use of social media. Have you started tracking your links?

You will know that a lot of focus is on measuring social media usage (and using this to track social media success). Part of this strategy will including making your links and URLs trackable. Link tracking allows you to track any link you share on social media. Therefore you will know if your social media traffic came from a link you shared in a tweet, in a Facebook post, or in a LinkedIn group.

Knowing how much traffic you’re getting from a specific link will tell you how popular it is and which social media platform is most effective for you.

Further Reading and Resources


Thank you for stopping by during the A to Z Challenge.

What tools do you use? Do you both to track your links? Share in the comments.

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