A to Z Challenge,  Remote Networking

T is for… Telephone

Networking using the telephone can be a powerful tool for building and maintaining professional relationships – after all everyone is using email and/or teams/zoom lately. Here are some tips for networking effectively over the phone:

  1. Prepare for the call: Before making a networking call, make sure you have a clear purpose for the call and a list of points you’d like to discuss. This will help you stay focused and make the most of your time.
  2. Use a professional greeting: When answering the phone, use a professional greeting such as “Hello, this is [your name]” to make a good impression.
  3. Listen actively: Active listening is important in any conversation, but it’s especially important when networking over the phone. Make sure to give the other person your full attention and listen carefully to what they have to say.
  4. Take notes: It can be helpful to take notes during a networking call to help you remember key points and follow up later.
  5. Follow up after the call: After the networking call, make sure to follow up with any action items or next steps that were discussed. This will help to solidify the connection you made and show your professionalism.

By following these tips, you can effectively network using the telephone and build valuable professional relationships. Just remember to be respectful, listen actively, and follow up after the call.

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