A to Z Challenge,  Instagram,  Social Media

P is for… Profile

NTFB Blog Posts - a to z - instagram

Your Profile is your shop window. Hopefully, you have already set up the basics when you joined.

When crafting your profile (and bio) on Instagram you should keep it consistent with your other social media accounts so that you are recognisable and people know it is you. Keep your profile image and brand consistent. Where possible, you should also use the same handle across all platforms. If you can ‘t because someone else has already taken it you should still use something similar so that you are recognisable (e.g. you could add an underscore, full stop or location to create a unique username).

Your bio should include your name or company name, the type of business (where you have a business account), what you do and your location. You should also include a blurb which should include relevant keywords which are relevant to your brand /business or content to help boost your SEO and visibility.

Also, if you have a business account make sure you fill in your website and contact details so that people can easily get in touch by a click of a button. It is important to remember that you only get 1 link/URL so use it wisely (or extend it).

If you are using the account for networking and as a professional or business account you will want your account and profile to be set up as public so that people can find you and network openly with you. Although if you want to post personal pictures as well, you may also want to have a separate private account.

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