Quick Tips,  Use your Networking Planner

Quick Tip: Plan ahead and actively make a Networking To Do List.

NTFB Blog Posts - networking toolkit

A great way to make sure you keep on top of your business development and networking is to plan it in short bursts. Here are some things that you can do to plan ahead and help you keep on top of things:

  1. Book in your business development and networking time in your calendar.
  2. If you find that you are short on time, why not use the 5×20 approach.
  3. Create a networking to do list and schedule an action each day and do it first thing in the morning.
  4. Diarise and make one call or email a day to a client or contact that you haven’t heard from in a while to help re-connect with your connections.

Here is an example networking to-do list that you can use to help you stay organized and focused as you build your network:

  • Identify your networking goals: Before you start networking, take some time to think about what you hope to achieve through networking. This could include finding a new job, building relationships with potential clients, or simply staying up-to-date on industry trends.
  • Find networking events and opportunities: Research local networking events and online communities relevant to your industry, and make a list of the events and opportunities you want to attend or participate in.
  • Prepare your networking materials: Make sure you have everything you need to make a good impression at networking events, such as business cards, a concise and well-written elevator pitch, and a list of key points you want to share about your work or interests.
  • Follow up with contacts: After a networking event or conversation, make sure to follow up with the people you met. This could include sending a thank-you note, connecting on LinkedIn, or scheduling a follow-up conversation.
  • Maintain your network: Once you have established your network, make sure to stay in touch with your contacts and continue to build relationships. This could include sending relevant articles or resources, meeting up for coffee or lunch, or joining relevant online communities or groups.

By following this to-do list, you can stay organized and focused as you build your network and work towards your networking goals.

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