Goals & Objectives,  Quick Tips

Quick Tip: Stop and think about what is the best use of your time!

Networking tips - event preparation

Quick Tip: Stop and think about what is the best use of your time!

Are you a “yes” person? Do you find yourself always doing what’s expected of you? Do you find you struggle deciding what to say yes to? Are you juggling your time in the office vs networking?

To have a clear and focused networking strategy you need to have networking goals. Your Networking Goals will help you consider what the best use of your time.

Challenge yourself and ask yourself WHY you are going to a particular event. How is it furthering your networking goals? (Particularly when you have other important demands on your time).

Even if you don’t have conflicting demands on your time you should always be considering what your goals are for every networking activity. This is why our Networking Planner has a section for working out your purpose for attending and your goals.




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