Build Relationships,  Following Up

Quick Tip: Use the 5×20 Approach to Keeping in Touch with your Contacts

NTFB Blog Posts - networking toolkit

The 5×20 approach to networking is a strategy for building and maintaining professional relationships. It involves identifying five people who you want to get to know better and spending 20 minutes per week reaching out to and engaging with each person. This approach can be a great way to build your network and strengthen your professional relationships.

Here are the steps to follow when using the 5×20 approach to networking:

  1. Identify five people you want to get to know better: These could be people you’ve met at events, colleagues, or others you’ve connected with online.
  2. Spend 20 minutes per week (or other appropriate interval) engaging with each person: This could include sending emails or messages, connecting on social media, or scheduling regular catch-up calls.
  3. Set specific goals: Identify specific goals for each person you’re engaging with, such as learning more about their work or seeking their advice on a specific topic.
  4. Follow up and maintain connections: After making a connection, make sure to follow up and maintain the relationship. This could include sending emails or messages, connecting on social media, or scheduling regular catch-up calls.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the 5×20 approach to networking and build valuable and engaged professional relationships.

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