A to Z Challenge,  Skills Development,  Speaking at Networking Events

P is for… Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

What are Presentation Skills?

Presentation skills are the skills you need in delivering effective and engaging presentations to a variety of audiences. This includes Public Speaking and Presentations but is also includes presenting information clearly and effectively to an audience (which can be an individual or a small group of people). Presentation Skills are key for getting your message across.

Having good presentations skills can help with your networking. It can help you get your message across clearly in conversations.

Giving presentations to others and being a speaker at networking events can raise your visibility and open up networking and other opportunities including further speaking opportunities. Therefore being a good speaker/presenter can really pay off when it comes to networking.

Skill Development Plan: Presentation Skills

Like many soft skills, the key to getting better at presentations (and public speaking) is practice and good preparation.

Attend training courses on delivering presentations, boosting confidence and impact. These will help you understand the basis skills that you will want to put into practice.

Volunteer to present information in a safe or low-risk space and practice. The more you do it the easier it becomes. Approach your presentations with an analytical eye, don’t criticise everything, but learn from your mistakes, ask for feedback and review your performance / learning points.

Action Point: Practice. Design a preparation and presentation routine that works for you. Attend a presentation club or toastmasters to get some extra practice in if it is something you are serious about.

WFH Action Point: Working from Home may give you an opportunities work on your presentation skills in front of a camera. Attending online webinars and seminars can also give you an opportunity to watch (and rewatch) other people’s presenting style and learn from them.

Further Reading:

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