A to Z Challenge,  Skills Development

L is for… Leadership

What is Leadership?

The dictionary definition is

“the action of leading a group of people or the ability to do this”

If you haven’t already – read this great article from Forbes – what is leadership?

You do not have to be a leader to be good at networking. However, having leadership skills can help you become a better networker and help you build stronger relationships with your contacts and other leaders.

Additionally, taking on a leadership role outside of work within a networking group or organisation can also help you develop your leaderships skills and networking skills as well as help you network with people you wouldn’t otherwise meet.

Skill Development Plan: Leadership

Here are some examples of things that you might like to do to improve your leadership skills.

  • Take on a Leadership Role Outside of Work.
  • Do a Leadership Training Course.
  • Write a personalised Action Plan.
  • Volunteer to lead an Assignment/Project.

Action Point:  Write a skill development plan.

WFH Action Plan: There are plenty of online training and videos on Leadership. However, nothing beats actually doing it practice. So when you have a quiet moment why not also volunteer to lead or run a project or assignment.

Further Reading:

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