Build Relationships

Network Mapping

It is important that you map out and revisit your network on a regular basis. As well as carrying out a networking circle exercise to identify the different groups in your network you should also use a network map to map your different relationships.

Map out your network.

Start with your name in the middle and map out your network/contacts. The purpose of network mapping is so you can visually see your network and how close and how strong each of the relationships are. Where you put them on your map should reflect this.

Use thick lines to show how important/useful contacts are and how much support they can offer and use distance from your name to map out the current strength of the relationship.

When mapping out your relationships think about:

  • how current is the relationship;
  • what can I build on and how can I re-establish the relationship;
  • what gaps are there and how do I fill those;
  • what relationships do I need to resurrect
  • what difference would strengthening those relationships make to me.

Further Reading:

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