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Networking 101: The Power of Active Listening

Active listening

Networking is an essential part of building a successful career and personal brand. It is not just about handing out business cards and collecting contact information, it’s about building relationships and making connections that can benefit both parties. One of the keys to effective networking is paying attention.

A good networker knows that every hello could be the start of a very important relationship, but we can only find this out if we listen carefully to the person standing before us. When networking, it’s essential to be an active listener and pay attention to what the other person is saying. Listen out for shared interests, listen out for mutual connections, and always stay alert to a future opportunity.

When having a conversation, it is natural to want to share your own purpose and goals, but it is important to remember that networking is not just about promoting yourself, it’s about building relationships. By paying attention to the other person first and foremost, you show that you are genuinely interested in connecting and building a relationship.

Active listening also enables you to understand the other person’s needs and goals, which can lead to mutually beneficial opportunities. It also helps you to build trust and establish a relationship that can be expected to offer mutual reward.

In addition, paying attention to body language and non-verbal cues is also important in networking. Being aware of the other person’s body language can give you insight into their feelings and thoughts.

In conclusion, paying attention is a key aspect of effective networking. By being an active listener, paying attention to shared interests, mutual connections, and future opportunities, you can build valuable relationships that can benefit both parties.

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