Build Relationships

Networking is about fostering relationships

Networking is about fostering relationships.

It is not always about meeting new people and networking in a room full of strangers. You need to build and strengthen each of your relationships into stronger relationships. Networking online can provide another approach to strengthening your existing relationships.

Here are some straight-forward ways to do this:

01. Focus on networking with your immediate contacts

Part of your networking strategy should always be about building on your existing relationships.

Start with your immediate contacts and work outwards. Take a look back at your networking circle (and any evaluation of your networking circle) for inspiration.

02. Be Generous (from the get-go)

Generosity plays a large part in building your relationships with others.

Be generous from the outset without expecting anything back. If you are always generous with your time, with your thoughts, with free content etc whatever it might be your relationships will build and will be more meaningful and more importantly, your contacts will be more willing to be generous back.

03. Be Inclusive and Supportive

Examples might include congratulating someone and celebrating their successes. Online platforms such as LinkedIn can make this easier to know what is going on with someone’s professional life and make it easy to like, comment and send a message. Just make sure you take a personal approach to have more of an impact.

If you are looking to be more inclusive and supportive internally, make sure that you are communicating with your team, celebrating successes and special occasions and keeping up to date with everyone.

Alternatively, it might be asking someone for their input or opinion. While working remotely is can be more difficult to do this, so make sure that you take the time to be inclusive and supportive where you can.

04. Meet In Person

Finally, it is important to remember to meet in person (or do video calls if meeting in person is not possible). The proper way to foster a strong relationship is to get to know the person face to face. Don’t just be some unknown person on the other side of an email or phone.

Further Reading:

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