Following Up,  Networking,  Your Networking Strategy

Follow-Up: Your Marketing Toolkit

Networking Tips - Following Up

Put together a Marketing Toolkit

If you haven’t already got one, you might want to consider investing some time in putting together a handy “marketing tool-kit”  (or refreshing an existing one).

What is a Marketing Tool-Kit?

When we walk about a marketing too-kit we mean marketing and promotional materials that you share with clients and contacts and what you send them as follow up.

This might be a personal one or something you put together as a team or at company level. It might be promoting your personal brand, it might be promoting or targeting a specific niche that you and your company specialise in.

What to include in your Marketing Tool-Kit

There are lots of things that you can include in your Marketing Tool-Kit (and you can have more than one tool-kit). It is important to choose what works best for your product or service as well as what works best for your target audience (the people receiving your tool-kit).

You might include things like:

  • Business Cards (and contact details)
  • Your Pitch
  • Team Details
  • Key information about your services or products
  • Interesting Statistics
  • Thought-Leadership Reports and Resources (relevant to your audience)
  • Testimonials and credibility statements
  • Stories/case studies

You should make your tool-kit downloadable and shareable. You can then share it as part of your follow up activities.

Don’t forget the person who comes across your product or service or the person you have had a conversation with may not be the sole decision-maker, so make it easy for them to share the information to make it easier for them to buy.

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