A to Z Challenge,  Skills Development

G is for… Goal Management

What is Goal Management?

Goal Management:

A goal or objective is a projected computation of affairs that a person or system plans or intends to achieve.

Being goal-orientated and a good self-starter are key skills when it comes to networking. Often networking is seen as an added extra and blurs the line between work-time and personal-time. It also requires patience and perseverance and good goal management can help you stay focused and on track.

It is important to set goals for your networking activities.

We encourage readers to take some time to set goals for their professional networking. Networking can drain your time, money and energy. Setting networking goals can give you a focus to your networking and make sure that you are not draining your time, money and energy for no good reason. You can use goal-setting and goal management to make sure that everything in your networking strategy or plan has a real purpose.

How can you demonstrate and develop this skill?

By having a goal or set of goals you will be more focused on achieving the goal and you will be able to develop a step-by-step plan about how you will get there. Your plan and your goals will be driven by both your business/organisation needs and your own personal professional needs. Your goals should include a mixture of both.

You can develop this skill by setting goals, monitoring progress and reviewing both progress and the goals that you are setting.

Action Point: Set SMART goals for your networking activities.

Skill Development Plan: Goal Management

If you don’t already set goals. Set them now: What are your networking goals?

  • What are the Networking/Business Development Goals set by your Company?
  • What are your own personal goals?
  • Set SMART goals for your networking activities.
  • Keep track of your goals and progress. Make a note of what goes well, what doesn’t go well and what you need to change.

WFH Action Plan: Set your goals, for both while working from home (this might be different from your usual routine) and what you want to do when lockdown has ended.

Further Reading:

One Comment

  • Nilanjana Bose

    Working from home is a completely different challenge as compared to working in an ‘office’ environment, not talking about pandemic WFH. Useful post, thanks. All the best for the A-Z.

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