Strategy: Writing,  Thought Leadership

Establish your Reputation as a Thought-Leader by Commenting & Providing Commentary.

As a thought-leader in your industry (or an aspiring thought-leader) you shouldn’t be afraid of providing commentary on things relating to your areas of expertise. There are a few simple ways that you can do this:

01. Write a Blog

One way to provide commentary is by sharing your thoughts and comments through your writing. This should include writing articles, blogs on your own website or as a guest post and other opinion pieces.

02. Respond by Writing your Own Views

Alternatively, it might be by writing your own take or opinion in response to something someone else has published, or a piece of research and providing your own personal view on it based on your experience. Again, you might do this through a blog opinion piece or guest post.

03. Use Online Forums & Social Media

Alternatively, it might be providing shorter but thought out commentary thought online comments, forums and social media. Building up a reputation as a thought-leader might be based on your active commentary in an online space on your niche or expertise. This can help you one small comment at a time to become established as the go-to person for comment on your area of expertise.

04. Write for your Audience

Finally, you might like to write a dedicated email or regular commentary/roundup for a targeted audience. This might be via your website or blog, or perhaps even a mailing list. This can help you grow and develop your niche audience and help you keep in contact with them directly on your expertise.

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