Content and Storytelling,  Website

Use your Content to Improve your SEO

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What is SEO?

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimisation. When people are talking about improving their SEO. They are really talking about improving the organic ranking of their website with leading search engines. Simply put – Google.

The most simple way to organically improve your SEO is to write great (relevant) content. To improve your SEO you need a volume of relevant and valuable content on your website.

So get writing!

Match your Keywords and Content to your Audience

Produce content that reflects and tone of your target keywords/audience.

What do you want to rank for? Will you get traffic from it?

What is your audience typing? You need to think about what your customer and audience are typing into google.

You need to be thinking about what language they are writing in and how they describe things and the terminology that they use (which isn’t always the same as the terminology that you use).  What different ways do people in your audience (and customer base) describe what you do?

Your chosen keywords need to match what people are typing into Google, after all, there is no point in ranking for something if no one is searching for it and you are not getting traffic from it.

Find the phrases that people are searching for and answer their questions.

Need inspiration for content? Need questions that you can answer – Check out Answer the Public. Then write and build up your content library (and interlink your content so that people stay on your website longer reading your content).

Once you have answered their questions – consider writing about related topics and queries that are relevant to you and your audience.


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