Content and Storytelling,  Strategy: Marketing, PR and Expertise

Heartbeat Frequency – the rhythm behind social [Oi Conference 2018]

heartbeat frequency

Heartbeat Frequency – the rhythm behind social

Owen Williams, Head of Editorial Strategy


Facebook has 1.4 billion daily active users. 90% of users of facebook are using it on mobile. Facebook uses algorithms that promote or penalise content depending on the type of content and the engagement. Facebook does not want you to publish content that is not engaging. Social is about people, you need to talk to people and that must want to talk about and engage with your content.

The majority of users share and engage with content in their newsfeed. They are not visiting your page. It is all about the feed (and active groups). So this is where you will want to also be focusing your efforts to engage. Don’t forget users are more likely to share and engage with content that elicits emotion.

Video Content

Video content is powerful. Not just on facebook, but all platforms because it has the ability to elicit emotion. 2-3 secs of facebook is gold. If you can keep your audeince watch for 3 seconds, the better chance you have of keeping them on for 10 second and so on. The longer you can sustain their attention the better your ROI.

65% who watch for 3 seconds will watch for 10

45% who watch for 10 seconds will watch for 30.

However, remember you are not making television, you are wanting to engage your audience with some engaging shorts. Design your videos with mute in mind and use subtitles creatively. If you want people to turn the sound on, make sure your give them a reason to do so. 85% of people don’t turn audio on.

By using video to elicit emotion you can then tap into and manage your organic community that are affected emotionally by your content.

Owen showed us Jaco’s Story as an example:

Whatever your content you need to develop the ability to attract and sustain attention:

think mobile first!

think thumbstopper!

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