A to Z Challenge

A to Z Challenge 2020 – Reflections Post

The A to Z Challenge 2020.

My original goals for the Challenge:

  1. Complete the A to Z Challenge 2020.
  2. Continue to blog on a regular basis.
  3. Create a new resource for my blog.

Reflections on the Challenge:

Complete the A to Z Challenge….

This was the fourth year I have successfully completed the whole of the challenge. Once again I didn’t get to comment on as many other blogs as I would have liked. However, I was pleased to get all the way through the alphabet. You can read all the challenge blog posts here.

Continue to blog on a regular basis…

Following earlier A to Z Challenges I think I have done fairly well with continuing to blog on a regular basis. Once again, the blogging challenge has helped me to keep this habit going. Hopefully, it will continue until the next challenge in 2021. I have also enjoyed blogging on a daily basis so I’m continuing the daily blogging for at least another month with a remote networking tips series.

Creating a new resource for my blog…

We have got a new collection of posts that I am hoping to use to continue to write about developing soft skills and networking skills.

Reflections on the challenge…

I enjoyed the challenge. There was lots of great content. Once again I am planning on doing the A to Z Roadtrip to catch up with the blogs that I missed out on.

If you are dropping by from the challenge feel free to drop a note in the comments and I’ll be sure to visit your blog. How did you find the challenge this year?

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