A to Z Challenge,  Instagram,  LinkedIn,  Social Media,  Twitter

A is for… Automating Content

NTFB Blog Posts - A to Z of Social Media or Networking

A is for… Automated Content

We are all leading busy lives so sometime it can be tempting to automate all our content. However, networking is all about improving your visibility and building relationships. Networking on Social Media is exactly the same it is all about improving your visibility and building and nuturing your relationships.

So while you should automate some of your content to make life easier and ensure that you are being consistent – automated content is no substitute for the personal and present interaction that is required for building relationships.

In addition to LinkedIn, we recommend that you pick one other social media platform to use for networking and engaging with your Audience. As well as LinkedIn we use Twitter. Why? Because that is where are customers, clients and colleagues are hanging out. By only picking one additional platform you can properly learn to master it and use it properly rather than just automating the same content everywhere. It is easy to just hit the post to twitter when posting something on LinkedIn and this can be a great way to automate your content, but you shouldn’t rely on this alone.

And don’t forget if you are going to use automated posts – still take advantage of tagging people and using hashtages to maximise your ROI. This can also lead to further conversations online with your contacts and people who are interested in the same things you are.

Tools to use for Automating Content?

There are a number of tools that you can use to automate your social media posts as well as the in-platform cross-platform posting tools.

Here are some resources you can use to pre-schedule your tweets and other social media posts. Most have free options.

Thank you for stopping by during the A to Z Challenge.

Why not share what social media platform you use in the comments.

Do you use it for networking? Do you automate some of your content?



  • miladyronel

    Twitter is a great place for me to network with other writers. I do automate some content — it’s better than flooding everyone’s timelines — but I like to share some things live, too. Great selection of automation options. I like Tweetdeck 🙂

  • Laura Roberts

    I’m on lots of platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram), but definitely find some more worthwhile than others. As a writer, I struggle more with Pinterest and Instagram, especially since engagement with posts on those platforms seems very low – it’s just hit the “like” button and move on, mostly, so I am curious to see if you’ll have any suggestions for maximizing the impact of those sites. 🙂

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts this month. Happy A to Z’ing!

  • Melissa Sugar

    Interesting and informative post. I use Buffer, but only so I don’t flood my followers timelines when I finally have some time to post, repost and share things. My biggest problem is that I can’t seem to figure out how to be consistentently visible and form true, lasting online relationships. Everything I do is inconsistent and in spurts. I try really hard to stay personally connected and then I realize how much time it’s cutting into my day and how much other work I’m neglecting. So, I tend to stop interacting all together and revert back to just automated tweets, hoping I’ll maintain some presence. So I’m having an extremely hard time finding a balance. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? I’m totally lost. I need help to keep me from being all or nothing. Thanks

    Melissa @
    Sugar Crime Scene

    • networkingtips

      HI Melissa,

      Thanks for dropping by. Buffer can be great for making sure that you are putting some content out there which is better than nothing and means you can fill up when you have personal downtime. It is not clear from your comment which is your preferred platform, but the easiest thing to do to start building a presence is to schedule a regular time slot to be active in even if it is just once a week.

      I like using my commute and my morning coffee to get some regular time in. On twitter I have a couple of twitter chats that I regularly take part in to engage in further (regular) conversation on my chosen topics. There will be more posts in the challenge on some of these topics.

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