A to Z Challenge,  Profile Raising,  Thought Leadership

A to Z Challenge: X is for… eXample


We often talk about thought leadership as a strategy for improving your visibility and raising your profile. This is why we have made Thought Leadership the overarching theme for our first A to Z Challenge.

Thought Leadership ties together the different strategies that we talk about including writing, speaking, networking, PR and Marketing. Thought-Leadership is about utilising your expertise and deep specialism and knowledge to answer questions, covering trends in your business/sector and being part of the conversation.

Simply put: it is being an Authority.

During the challenge, we will be looking at different ways that you can demonstrate thought-leadership and raise your profile.

Lead by Example

One element of being a thought-leader in your field is to lead by example and be a role model.

You should be looking to inspire people and lead the way in what you are doing, not just as a technical expert but also by being authentic and helping other where you can.

For example: you might help others by being empowering and an example of something that they can be.

You might have a talent by being an inspirational speaker – embrace this and inspire others, leading them by way of example.

You are more than your niche or expertise – concentrate on being you too.

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