Social Media / Online Profile,  Social Media Strategy,  Strategy: Marketing, PR and Expertise

Social Media for Professionals: Share your Company’s Social Media Content

social media strategy

For individuals, a “quick and easy” social media strategy can be to engage with (and essentially piggy-back) on your own company’s social media campaigns.

Most companies focus on only a couple of social media platforms. You should be focusing on the platform where your company, colleagues and clients interact in a professional manner. For most professionals, this will be LinkedIn and Twitter.

Some firms make engaging with their social media content straight-forward (because they want you to engage with it) and therefore will email around the content that they want you to share with easy to use “SHARE HERE!” links.

If your company does not already do this why not take the initiative and suggest that they do.

Other companies actively encourage employees to engage in their social media campaigns but don’t actively let their employees know that they have posted content. If your company is this category make sure that you are following your company and have signed up to alerts/notifications so that you get a message or email when they have posted content.

This way you don’t miss it and it is easy for you to like or share this content.

Finally, make sure you read your own social media policy as you don’t want to get caught out. On LinkedIn you are only going to have a single professional account, but if you are using twitter, you may want to double-up and have a professional account and a personal account.

As an individual, you are an important ambassador for your firm and for yourself.

Further Reading:

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