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The Power of People

Visibility Planner - influencers

Influencers – are they the right choice?

A lot of brands and businesses use bloggers and influencers to boost their visibility and reach on online and on social media.

Celebrities (with millions of followers) (AKA Macro Influencers) are the most expensive types of influencers and brands can pay hundreds of thousands for a celebrity influencer to endorse their product or brand.

More brands and companies are using Micro-Influencers (10k followers) in niche markets with a decent engaged following. They can also be industry experts and thought-leaders – simply put they should have the ability to “influence a decision” (hence the name influencers).

Micro-Influencers are also cheaper, more accessible and often have higher engagement with their audience – but before choosing to work with an influencer you should due diligence and make sure they are the right fit for you. While not specifically for Influencer Campaigns (it is more general so these pages can be used more flexibly) you can use the Campaign Section of the Social Media Planner.

Brand Ambassadors – a viable alternative?

Influencers can be expensive and it can be hard to track the outcome. Another alternative used by companies (not just those of you who are on a budget) is to use Brand Ambassadors. Identify the people who are already ambassadors for your brand and are already doing it – just enable them to do it better.

84% of people rely on recommendations from friends and family. That means everyday people. Therefore, every day people can also be your influencers and ambassadors in their own online space and in the real world.

However, another use of the Campaign Pages can be for your own personalised campaign. After all the power and influence of the everyday person is also pretty powerful.

Need help setting your social media campaign goals and planning your social media content? Why not grab a copy of our Social Media Planner.


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