A to Z Challenge,  Instagram,  Social Media

S is for… Stories

NTFB Blog Posts - a to z - instagram

Stories is a secondary feed on Instagram which lasts 24 hours and is used to share quick informal pictures or videos. People are interacting more through Stories and this is growing as more people use Stories. Instagram Stories can give you a different and more direct connection to your following.

As Instagram Stories are featured at the top of the app (before people stop scrolling through their feed) they are often clicked on by users and have a higher chance of being seen.

For a lot of people, they use Stories to post content that they want to share but it doesn’t fit into their feed. Or because of the 24 hr time frame they use it for promotions or creating a buzz. They use Instagram Stories to boost engagement and encourage interaction and conversation with their followers by using stickers. This includes things like polls and countdown stickers which we mentioned earlier in the challenge.

But what if you want your Instagram Stories to last longer than 24 hrs? You could make them into Instagram Stories Highlights. This means that there is longer for people to engage and view your stories as these will be on your profile page and your followers can click them and watch them any time they like.

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