Remote Networking

Remote Networking Tips #15: Engage with your Network on Social Media

Once you have updated your profile and connected with people on your chosen platform(s), it is important to also start networking with them.

Think about the 90-9-1 Rule for Participation Inequality in Social Media and Online Communities. In Summary, in most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little, and 1% of users account for almost all the action.

Therefore there are two key ways you can engage and network on social media. The first is to continue to update regularly (the 9%) and the second is to actively post content (the 1%).

01 Update Regularly

By updating regularly we mean using your chosen platform on a regular basis and responding/reacting. Using LinkedIn as an example, this might mean checking your messages and sending and replying to messages you have received. It might be commenting and replying to other people’s post and contents. It might be keeping your profile up to date.

If you are using social media for networking at the moment (or thinking about it) you may already be doing this and thinking about going futher. Remote networking provides the perfect opportunity to push yourself into actively creating and posting content if you are not already doing so.

02 Actively Create and Post Content

According to the 90-9-1 rule, 1% are creating the content themselves and the rest of the 99% to react with it some way. Therefore why would you not want to be one of the 1% creating content for yourself and your network.

Examples might include sharing articles and interesting posts, fun statistics etc. Even writing them yourself. Engaging in comments and conversations. Creating regular content and responding to other’s content will help you network within your industry as well as help you to expand your knowledge and learn new things. If you are writing on behalf of your company/business you may also want to be including case studies, company news and blogs.

Further Reading:

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