A to Z Challenge,  Networking,  Skills Development,  Ways to Help Your Network

R is for… Recommendations

What is a recommendation?

A recommendation can be a written or verbal recommendation about a particular individual or product, it can be an introduction or connecting two people, or it can be a conversation piece when engaging in conversation while networking with others.

Making good recommendations is a skill. Matching people and making introductions is a skill. Engaging and connecting with people is a skill. All of these skills will help you with networking.

Skill Development Plan: Making Recommendations

Developing these skills will be different depending on whether you are making written recommendations (and therefore working on your writing and communication skills) or making recommendations and introductions in person, for example at a networking event. It is important to be skilled in both (and to practice to develop these skills so that they become easier).

Action Point: Practice introducing people to each other at networking events. At the start it can be a simple name and company introduction. As you get to know people start making personal recommendations such as explaining why they should talk to each other when you make the introduction.

WFH Action Point: When writing recommendations and introductions spend some time crafting a template/framework that works for you (and your personality). Spend some time getting this right at the beginning and it will get easier the more you do it.

Further Reading:

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