A to Z Challenge,  Skills Development

Q is for… Quick Thinking

What are Quick Thinking Skills?

If you are a quick thinker, you pick up new information easily and “process” that information quickly. There are times when thinking quickly can be a helpful and desirable skill to have.

Being a quick thinker can help in a number of networking scenarios and can help you develop your networking skills.

Faster thinking can enhance skills such as confidence, problem-solving, and the ability to stay focused. It can make you more comfortable socially, for example when networking and speaking with customers or clients, or when giving presentations.

Skill Development Plan – Think Faster

When we talk about thinking faster, we really mean thinking efficiency. Thinking fast is not helpful if you are not thinking clearly, accurately, or logically or are making unnecessary rash or risky decisions.

Here are some ways that you can start to think more efficiently:

  • Make small minor decisions quickly, particularly ones where you might habitually dwell on longer than needed such as what to eat, what to watch on TV etc.
  • Practice doing the things that you are good at or confident with faster. Set a timer and challenge yourself.
  • Don’t Multitask. Get in the habit of giving one task at a time your undivided attention. Do that task faster.
  • When networking, give the person you are speaking with your undivided attention. Paying attention to one thing is key to learning and remembering.
  • Get Plenty of Sleep.
  • Use Meditation.
  • Exercise your Brain. Do puzzles, quizzes and IQ tests and brain teasers etc.
  • Be Social. Networking and having conversations will make you think on your feet anyway so continue practising this.

Action Point: Try some of the above activities.

WFH Action Point: You don’t need to be in the office or out and about to do these activities. Try them out for home.

Further Reading:

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