Build Relationships,  Networking,  Your Networking Strategy

Networking 101: Building Likeability and Trust


Networking is an essential part of building a successful career and personal brand. It’s not just about handing out business cards and collecting contact information, it’s about building relationships and making connections that can benefit both parties. Two of the most important factors in building successful relationships are likeability and trust.

Being liked is important because it helps to create positive interactions and connections. People are more likely to want to connect with someone they like and enjoy spending time with. Building likeability is about being friendly, approachable, and easy to talk to. It’s about showing genuine interest in the other person, and being someone that people want to be around.

Trust is also an essential component of every relationship. Trust is built by being honest, reliable, and consistent. People will trust you more when they know that you keep your word and follow through on your commitments. Trust is also built by being open and transparent, and by being someone that people can count on.

Building likeability and trust are not something that happens overnight, it takes time and effort. It’s about continuously building on these two components in every interaction. The person who is capable of continuously building on these in every interaction is the one that will set him or herself apart from many others.

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