
Mentoring: Review your Relationship

mentoring - networking tips for beginners

It’s important to regularly review your mentoring relationship to ensure that you are making progress towards your goals and getting the most out of the experience.

Here are a few steps you can take to review your mentoring relationship:

01. Reflect on your progress:

Take some time to reflect on your progress towards your goals and any challenges you have faced. Consider keeping a journal or creating a progress report to document your progress.

02. Review your plan:

Look back at your original mentoring plan and see how well it has been working for you. Consider making any necessary adjustments to ensure that you are making progress towards your goals.

03. Communicate with your mentor:

Make sure to communicate with your mentor about your progress and any challenges you have faced. Consider seeking their feedback and guidance on how to overcome any obstacles.

04. Seek additional support:

If you feel that you are not making sufficient progress or are not getting the support you need, consider seeking additional support. This might involve seeking out additional resources or finding a new mentor.

By regularly reviewing your mentoring relationship, you can ensure that you are making progress towards your goals and getting the most out of the experience.

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