A to Z Challenge,  Mentoring,  Skills Development

M is for… Mentoring

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is an effective way of helping people to progress in their careers. It is a partnership between two people (a mentor and mentee).

A mentor is a guide who can help the mentee to find the right direction and who can help them to develop solutions to career issues. Mentoring provides the mentee with an opportunity to think about career options and progress. A mentor should help the mentee to believe in themselves and boost their confidence. A mentor should ask questions and challenge while providing guidance and encouragement. Ultimately, mentoring is about becoming more self-aware. It is about taking responsibility and directing your life in the direction you decide.

Mentoring and having a mentoring relationship can help you develop conversation skills, coaching skills and listening skills that can help you with your networking. Additionally, Networking can also help you find new mentors and mentees.

Skill Development Plan: Mentoring

There are two simple action points when it comes to mentoring. Get a mentor and get a mentee. Both are beneficial relationships.

You can also find mentoring opportunities and an opportunity to practice your skills through mentoring in the workplace, external mentoring opportunities and networking.

Networking and building relationships with your network is also a form of unconscious mentoring. Your everyday meetings and conversations present hidden opportunities for unconscious mentoring.

An unconscious mentor has a positive influence and impact on other peoples lives and helps them out often without knowing it. It might simply be by giving them a smile, saying thank you, sharing stories with them, offering advice, being a good listener, being a role model etc.

Action Point:  Think about your interactions with others in your everyday life. Are you making a positive impact on those around you? Make an effort to continue to do so – it can be making more of a difference than you know.

WFH Action Plan: Mentoring doesn’t always have to be face to face. Step up your online relationships. Catch up with your mentors and mentees virtually.

Further Reading:

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