A to Z Challenge,  Facebook,  Instagram,  LinkedIn,  Social Media,  Twitter

M is for… Measuring ROI

NTFB Blog Posts - A to Z of Social Media or Networking

M is for… Measuring ROI

Networking on social media like all networking is a big investment of your time. Therefore it is important that you set goals for your networking activities and measure the return on your investment.

If we don’t check and measure we don’t know if our interactions are succesful.

The goals you have set will help you decide what metrics you will measure. Measuring and reviewing your analytics will help you track your progress and work out whether you are getting traction. It will also help you do more of what is working.

How do you know if you are creating the right content? You don’t.

However, looking at your post engagement will help you identify what people are interacting with. By looking at the posts / content that people are liking and sharing you will be able to improve so that you can create more engaging content and reach more people.

You can easily view your analytics in facebook (for your facebook pages) and your top tweets in your twitter analytics. If you have a business account with Instagram you can also check out these analytics as well (for the last 30 days). It only takes 5-10 mins to check – so you really have no excuse.

A review of your analytics can therefore help you decide if you are creating the right content.

A review of your analytics can also help you experiment with different things and learn from the experiments.

Thank you for stopping by during the A to Z Challenge.

Are you measuring your ROI? Do you know if you are meeting your goals? and why/why not?

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