A to Z Challenge,  Skills Development

J is for… Judgement

What are Judgement Skills?

Good Judgement Skills are part of your decision-making skills and can be defined as:

the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions

Good judgement is important for navigating different situations, making decisions, taking advantage of opportunities, establishing trust and building relationships.

How can you demonstrate and develop this skill?

You will need to be able to demonstrate and display your decision-making and good judgement when making decisions in your day-to-day job and everyday scenarios such as networking. Where possible judgements should be made on facts and objective data, not the opinions of those around you and it is important to have sound judgement – without bias or being influenced.

Action Point: Think about your own decision-making process – how are you making your decisions what information do you use to make decisions? Do you need to improve?

Skill Development Plan: Judgement

Start by learning to make better decisions with practice and training.

When making decisions based on judgement you should:

  • consider all aspects in the complexity of issues
  • learn from your own mistakes (and the mistakes of others)
  • consider the known outcomes
  • Think “outside the box”
  • consider your previous experience and knowledge of the issues

Action Point:  make a written note in your of key learning points of all decisions you make (or observe).

Also you can do training to reduce Unconsious Bias.

Bias can influence judgement – to show good judgement you should try to show that you are not influenced and try to eliminate or reduce the impact of bias. You can do this by being aware of the possibility that you might be biased and identifying the source and taking it out of the equation.

WFH Action Plan: There are plenty of online training and videos on Unconscious Bias. When you have a quiet moment why not do some extra (or refresher) training.

Further Reading:

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