A to Z Challenge,  Thought Leadership

A to Z Challenge: I is for… Interviews


We often talk about thought leadership as a strategy for improving your visibility and raising your profile. This is why we have made Thought Leadership the overarching theme for our first A to Z Challenge.

Thought Leadership ties together the different strategies that we talk about including writing, speaking, networking, PR and Marketing. Thought-Leadership is about utilising your expertise and deep specialism and knowledge to answer questions, covering trends in your business/sector and being part of the conversation.

Simply put: it is being an Authority.

During the challenge, we will be looking at different ways that you can demonstrate thought-leadership and raise your profile.

Interview others and be Interviewed

Interviews can be a great way to demonstrate thought-leadership. Interviewing other thought-leaders and experts can be a great way to align yourself with them and demonstrate your own expertise by asking challenge or thought-provoking questions. It can also be a great content piece for your company website or blog.

As well as interviewing others, you should also seek out and take up opportunities of being interviewed yourself. Being interviewed raises your profile and allows you a further opportunity to demonstrate your expertise.

Interviews might include written interviews, video or TV interviews, or radio and podcast interviews.


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