Build Relationships,  Quick Tips

Quick Tip: Step outside your Comfort Zone

NTFB Blog Posts - quick tips

When networking it is easy to stick to people we know or stay within our comfort zone and network with people who look like us and/or have a similar background.

However, it is important to push ourselves outside our comfort zone and to diversify our network. A diverse network, however, benefits you by extending your reach and information.

Internally, this might include different people from different departments with different functions and roles as well as spanning different generations.

Outside your company make sure that you are networking and connecting with a wide range of people across the industry and with people with other common factors such as former classmates and people who share similar hobbies or live in your neighbourhood before slowly widening your network outwards.

Also, if attending networking events, don’t be afraid to approach people that you wouldn’t typically approach and monitor your own bias when networking.

Look for people who can open up the door for you and make introductions where possible.

Further Reading:

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