A to Z Challenge,  Skills Development

Z is for… Zealous

It is important to be passionate and enthusiastic about meeting new people, networking and what you do in your day job. This can help networking with others easier and more enjoyable.

However, it is not always possible to be fully passionate and enthusiastic full time. Therefore it is important to identify the aspects of networking and business development that make you feel this way and focus on working on them and developing those associated skills.

Skill Development Plan: Focus on what you love!

Whenever possible, focus on what you love. A great way to refind you zeal is to identify the things that you love and enjoy and work out how you are going to spend more time on them and develop your skills in those areas.

Action Point: Take responsibility for your advancement and focus your skills development on what you enjoy.

WFH Action Point: Don’t put your life on hold. If you feel up to it, don’t wait around. Do it. Don’t wait for someone else to come up with the opportunities for you.

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