Networking Problems - Solved!

Your Networking Problems – Solved! #2: ‘I’m bad at remembering names’

Remembering someone’s name can be challenging, especially if you meet a lot of new people. Here are a few tips that may help you remember someone’s name:

01. Prepare in advance:

Do your research in advance of the networking event or meeting. Get a copy of the guestlist and make sure you have done some initial due diligence.

02. Repeat the name:

When you are introduced to someone, repeat their name back to them. This can help reinforce the name in your memory and make it easier to recall later.

03. Use the name in conversation:

Try to use the person’s name in conversation as much as possible. This can help reinforce the name in your memory and make it easier to recall later. Introduce them to someone else to help reinforce the name.

04. Write it down:

If you are worried about forgetting someone’s name, consider writing it down in a notebook or on your phone. This can provide a helpful reference if you need to remind yourself later. Grab a business card etc so that you have something to refer to later.

05. Make a connection:

Try to make a connection with the person’s name by associating it with something memorable. For example, if someone’s name is Rachel, you might think of the actress Rachel McAdams.

06. Practice:

The more you practice using someone’s name, the more likely you are to remember it. So try to use the person’s name as often as possible in conversation and you’ll be more likely to remember it.

By following these tips, you can improve your ability to remember someone’s name and make a stronger impression in your interactions with others.

Here are some more tips for remembering someone’s name.

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