Conversation Starters,  Remote Networking

Virtual Icebreakers

networking tips for beginners - conversation starters

What is a virtual icebreaker?

A virtual icebreaker is a type of conversation starter that is used as a team-building exercise to help attendees of a virtual meeting to get to know each other better and to kickstart the conversations.

Why use an icebreaker?

For remote teams and groups, icebreakers can be a great way to get team members/attendees sharing and talking. These can be used to break the ice and hopefully lead to easier, comfortable conversations during the virtual meeting.

Even for existing teams who work well together, there can be a benefit to doing regular virtual icebreakers as these can help keep the team bonded and boost morale while working remotely.

There are different types of icebreakers – so choose icebreakers that suit the team (or will help you meet your objectives).

Virtual Icebreaker Ideas for Remote Teams and Meetings

Here are some suggested Icebreaker activities that you might like to try if you haven’t already:

  • Question – The easiest ice-breaker is to simply ask the team to answer a question. Just make it quick and easy.
  • Truth or Lie – each team member comes up with two truths and one line and the team have to guess which is the lie.
  • Share your office/desk
  • Desert Island – Each team member chooses three things they would take to a desert island (generally, or by theme e.g. books, movies etc).
  • Coffee Morning – sharing your favourite coffee, ideal coffee order, coffee mug catwalk etc.
  • Emoji Icebreaker – share an emoji that expresses how you feel.

If you have any other virtual icebreaker ideas or you have a particular favourite – please share in the comments.

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