Coaching & Mentoring,  Mentoring

Unconscious mentoring

mentoring - networking tips for beginners

Networking and building relationships with your network is a form of unconsious mentoring. Your everyday meetings and conversations present hidden opportunities for unconscious mentoring.

This type of mentoring is in many ways informal mentoring between people in the same network who care about the people they meet and take the time to build genuine relationships with them. Unlike a more formal mentoring relationship, it often works both ways and these individuals probably don’t know that they are acting as an informal mentor or role-model or know anything of the impact that they are having.

An unconscious mentor has a positive influence and impact on other peoples lives and helps them out often without knowing it. It might simply be by giving them a smile, saying thank you, sharing stories with them, offering advice, being a good listener, being a role model etc.

Think about your interactions with others in your everyday life. Are you making a positive impact on those around you? Make an effort to continue to do so – it can be making more of a difference than you know.

Is there someone in your life that is making a positive impact on you? Cherish these people.

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