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Twitter: Use Bookmarks to save content for a later date

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What are Twitter Bookmarks?

Twitter offers a feature called Bookmarks that allows you to save Tweets for later. Rather than liking (favouriting) a tweet (which is public) this option is not public. Therefore you can effectively save these tweets for later (without anyone know) and others can do the same for your tweets without you getting a notification.

To add a tweet to your bookmarks list just click the “share button” which then gives you the option to send via direct message, add to bookmarks or further sharing options (on your mobile) or copying the link (if on the desktop).

To access your bookmarked tweets at later date just click on “bookmarks” is the side navigation panel.

When should you use them?

Bookmarking content can be useful if you want to come back to content to read it at a later date or it provides you with inspiration for your own social media strategy or content but you don’t want to publically “like it”.

Additionally, as social media is also a great resource for finding guest blogging opportunities and finding contacts (inc journalists) to approach about opportunities. Bookmarking is the perfect way to save these opportunities for a later date.

How does this affect your engagement stats on Twitter?

This sounds great – you can come back and read something good in your own time. However, since social media is all about “stats” and “engagement” of your own posts – how do bookmarks affect this?

I someone “likes” your content, you know about it. If they “bookmark” it. We don’t know. Therefore unfortunately any bookmarked content will not be included in your engagement stats as part of your analytics.


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