Conference Planner,  Social Media Planner

Social Media Planner: Conferences

Visibility Planner - Social Media Planner

The Social Media Planner (full edition) has a specific section dedicated to all-day conferences. More and More IRL events and conferences are utilising social media. Therefore to take full advantage it is important to be prepared. The Social Media Planner (Full version) includes space for planning 2 full day conferences which are broken down as set out below (and can be used for both hosting and attending conferences).

01 Pre-Event Preparation

Before the event, do your research.

The Social Media Planner includes space for you to prepare and research in readiness for your social media content, including space to identify the host, venue, sponsors, speakers, exhibitors etc. You can use this space to identify who you want to connect and engage with (as part of your business strategy) and the relevant social media platforms to engage with them on. You should also identify and note their handles and any hashtags pre-event so that you can easily engage with them both pre-event and during the event.

02 Conference Content

Pre-plan and Pre-schedule your content for the day of the conference. The All-Day Conference planner has space for you to plan out and draft/schedule your content throughout the day. If you have an agenda for the conference this can usually be used to bulk out and plan the content in advance as much as possible.

03 Post-Conference Follow Up

The Post-Conference follow up is also important to make the most of your conference activity. The Social Media Planner includes space for post-conference activities and follow-up as well as space for links and resources and a review.

Further Reading:

Need help setting your social media campaign goals and planning your social media content? Why not grab a copy of our Social Media Planner.


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